Quote Originally Posted by MBLMIKE View Post
May be the rules we learned from golf could be applied in fishing

1 do not step in another persons putting line. example before you set up watch for trollers who are on a line coming your way its extremely hard to set up to troll and when some one sets up a drift or worse yet anchors in there path its going to cause unneeded problems

2 let the others ahead finish the hole before you tee off. example do not run to every net you see dip into the water if you want to follow a drift over active fish set up well behind the boats in that area every one takes there turn over the that area and you should not jump ahead

3 your not on tour so have fun its a big lake !

there are more but some else can add there Golf /fishing etiquette
[ˈedəkət, ˈedəˌket]
the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.
You trollers really think there is a "hole" marked with fairways, tee and green to determine direction?
You think everyone sees the same "pin" and stays out of your path?
You're not on tour either so if you see a drifter 1/8 a mile in front of you, adjust to their upwind side so as not to disrupt their drift.

Geeze you think everyone has your layout in front of them when they pick a drift?

I drift and troll and to be honest, I've seen 10 times as many A-hole trollers as drifters.
Yes it is a big lake so adjust before you run over another persons path.
