Quote Originally Posted by Prkr314 View Post
Don't know what's going on with people loosing boards, but lesson #1....write your phone number on them! I'm getting a whole pile of planer boards, all brands that I don't use....of course!, some with fancy clips, night lights, tattle flags. We found 3 already this last weekend...no phone numbers???? I'm well aware of what they cost and If you want them back do yourself a favor... Most guy won't have a problem trying to get them back to you if you put your # on them. If any of you lost a board this weekend near the Intake/Metzger's area describe what you lost and we'll see what we can do to get them back to you.
Amen brother. We have never lost one but have found several - with no contact number on them. Drives me crazy when people come on here saying they lost a board and asking if anyone found it. How hard can it be to take a marker and write your cell number on the back. Someone will find it and most fishermen will get it back to you. The ones we found were never the brand we use either - ha ha - so wound up giving them away.