Quote Originally Posted by kmuth65 View Post
I’m new to this site but have loved everything I’ve been reading. Let me throw this question to the group. I’m coming up to Huron on Wed 10/7. It might be my last chance this fall to use my new boat. But the forecast shows a decent amount of wind coming from the SW. 14 - 18 knots with gusts to the mid 20’s. I think if I stay close in to shore and do some trolling around Sawmill or Cranberry Creek, wave height should be OK. But I’d love advice from you folks who know Erie better than I do. I don’t mind making the trip up from Cinci if it turns into a scrub because I plan on doing some fall work around our house in Huron. But I have a buddy joining me and I’d hate to see him drive all that way only to turn around without doing some fishing. Also, if you agree the lake inshore will be cooperative, if you have any walleye insight around Huron, I’m all ears. Thanks!!
Look up Lakevision.com, Live camera shots updated every few minutes. Some work, some don't, but the one out of Huron does work and you'll be able to see the wave action as they hit the breaker.