We use mayfly rigs all season and in the fall casting into the rocks.I tie my own and use 20lb Seaguar fluorocarbon with double hooks and a quick change clevis with gold #4 Colorado that's 2ft long.The fall bite usually starts this week.If there are fish on the reefs will usually find them in 18-12fow.I have braid on my spinning gear.Make short casts and bounce the sinker off the bottom.I usually use 5/8 or 1/2oz sinkers.Alot of times cannot tell difference between a rock or a walleye pulling on your rigs.Be prepared for snags too.Hope the fall bite on rocks is good this year.Will miss going into Canadian waters to fish this year.The east side of Pelee is magical on certain days in the fall.Hardly any boats and you see huge flocks of birds too.