Was finally able to see if these yozuri Crystal minnows were as good as I have been reeding about.Bought the custom colors of vEYErus,parrot and YoDaddy.We started out on the SE side of Kellies.We fished there for 30 min and had 2 farm animals,a short and weeds on my bandit and dipsey.There were several boats that blew past us headed to the NE.We picked up and followed them.Unfortunately that strong NW blow from night before switched to the NE at 2-3ftrs.We could only go 14mph right into them but eventually made that long run out to the Bouy.There was at least a 100 boat pack that was spread out for what looked like several miles.Set up the dipseys 3 setting @ 70 and 90 with spoon harnesses and 1 setting at 50 and 60 with spoons.Put out my yozari vEYErus at 50/2oz/100 more on one side, and blu chrome bandit at 50/2oz/75 more.Started catching fish and was sorting at 20".Settled on the deeper settings so put the 3 setting at 85 and 90.Took us about 2hrs and was at 9 fish so turned and headed downwind SW too get our last 3 fish.Then things slowed down.Initially we thought it was our direction,which it could have been.John even said lets head back NE again.But I said just keep it SW and we will hit a pod of fish.Then I remembered Juls last post about a 124 lead on a 3 setting.I dropped our 3 to 110 and the one to a 80.Then boom those deeper leads caught and we finished at 2.5hrs.Our 12 weight 33lbs.Caught more junk than any other trip to date.Threw back 8 keepers and as many shorts.The yozari caught 4 keepers and the bandit only one.Wanted to change out that bandit, but the captain thought a pooh bear purple bandit would be better than a lure that already caught 3 fish.That bandit didn't catch anything for that last 30min.Told our captain again that first rule of trolling is to match what is catching.