Thanks Juls on the heads up on getting our bandits deeper.Right after I asked about putting the weighted crank out with dipsey,realized we ran them last season with no issues.Was carefully to let the bandit and weight between the dipsey lines and making sure there was no strikes on the dipsey when letting out.The bandits with weights caught much better friday, than when we ran them unassisted Thursday.
We fished both Thursday and Friday east of kellies right on the line.We were running 2.5mph and dipsey the same both days.Had 3 setting @ 65 and 70.The 1 setting @ 45 and 50.Thursday the dipsey were catching quick enough that when the unassisted bandits were slow to catch,did not mind.Caught several at 70 and 80 leads.On Friday the dipsey were catching slower so the bandits picked up the slack.Had a blue chrome and RC crush bandit out at 50/50 and 50/75 with 2oz weight.Had SW wind both days so trolled east both days.We were sorting at 20" both days.Caught zero shorts thur and 6 on Friday.One white bass Friday.Threw back 8 keepers Thursday and 6 on Friday.Took us 2hrs thur and 2.5hrs Fri.Our 12 fish weight 37lbs on thur and 41lbs on Friday.Highlight of trip was Friday when had a board go back hard.Was bringing it in when a dipsey fired on same side.Brought dipsey fish in first then got back to reeling in board when other board went back hard too.Finally got both boards in.Put fish #9,10 and 11 in box.They were 22,24 and 25 inches.Got some of the biggest fish in over several years those two days.Great weather and lake conditions to boot.