I had heard that the Canadians have not been allowing Americans into Canada at the border.I was assuming if we drove our boat into Canadian waters and did not go onto land,we would still be allowed to fish.I bought my non resident Ontario liscence a few weeks ago,like I always do and persuaded my buddy John to do the same.We were even planning to fish off Pelee the next two days.Then John sends me a text yesterday.He asked if its two or three rods in Canada? Huh,good question.Im not sure.So I call Keith from Pooh Bear charters and ask him.He says its still two rods there,but doesn't matter.You cant fish there anyway.Really? Yeah,he says.Was right on the line last week and only a couple guys supposedly sneaked over line a mile.But no American boats allowed in their waters.I felt like a dummy telling John to get his liscence.Cost $70 US to buy.I tell him and he said why did they allow us to buy it online if not allowed to fish there.How about we claim ignorance? I said do not know the what they would do if they stopped us.Maybe they will open border before season ends.But with recent increase of infections,does not look good.