I didn't even consider trolling over the weekend. We never traveled more than 2 miles away from harbor. I casted all weekend Friday evening through last night, west of Catawba. I got my limits and many of my crew too. The evenings were best. The walleye were trying to rip the rod out of your hand. Harnesses worked best when fish are high. A 2 or 3 count was a must during evenings. Saturday morning, more of them were closer to bottom and the weight forwards seemed to produce equal amounts.

Stay away from other boats. Depths from 18 to 23 fow. Pay attention to your electronics. Use a down imaging to see through the surface clutter. Any fish marked high in upper 25% counts as 4 fish down middle to low on screen. If you are marking good bait balls, it can be worth a try even if you don't see other fish marks.

When you find those high marks, start with splash count and work down with harnesses or weight forwards, until you know if they have a preference. Cast outside your boats previous drift path to reach the undisturbed fish. The evening fish definitely preferred the harness over weight forward lures. When can we do this again? Last night my daughter and I let over 3 legal limits go up to 18 inchers. My freezer is full, my wife says. So now my limit is 20 inchers plus.
