If you decide to go with divers behind in line planers, and assuming you are fishing the western basin, consider tadpoles or Tru Trip 30s. You can pull 40s behind in lines but they just don't run well. And if you are only going to get a couple of boards consider getting 2 for the same side in place of one per side. Having 2 boards next to each other make it a lot easier to read them.

As for baits, Bandit Walleye Deep are the hot thing right now for good reason. They don't need to be tuned like a lot of other cranks, they work at speeds from 0.8-3+ mph and they have great action and loud rattles. Spoons are just as effective as harnesses 90% of the time and in the western basin you can get away with Jet/TT30, tadpoles or even in line sinkers that are really cheap.

Lastly, if you are planning to run in line boards, you should use mono (always had good luck with 17lb Trilene). Braid is a pain because it does not hold well in the clips. When running divers make sure your leader is lighter than your main line (10lb fluorocarbon works well) so that if you break anything off it will only be the bait and not your diver and swivel as well.

Good luck!