
Fished Maumee bay today - afternoon. 2 man limit in about 2 hours. Fun fished for another hour and threw 18 walleye back. 14 foot of water on the east side of the channel. The key to jig fishing to me is water clarity. Too muddy, obviously hard for them to see it. To clear and the daylight shuts them down in shallow water. Ideal clarity to me for jig fishing is to be able to see your jig disappear about 10"-12" below the surface.

The next thing to determine is what they want. Speed and angle of presentation matters. Colder water means moving slower - use a drift sock. Sometime a cast off the boat of 25' will work and then jigging straight down will work. Color of jig also matters as far as what catches the most. Today it started of as purple and ended up as black being the best color.

Success to fishing is figuring out what will work under the current conditions - not what worked yesterday. (If you were to go back to the same spot I was at today, the conditions will have all changed but the thing to take into consideration is that the fish are in the area - you just need to find them) Start out with what your comfortable with and have confidence in. If it doesn't work, make a change. "Tune" in your presentation and you will become successful.

Good Luck