Read the order. It says "you are asked self quarantine for 14 days" if you're entering the state. It does NOTt say that you have to self quarantine for 14 days once you enter the state. Half of the country has already been quarantined for 4 weeks with school and business closings, working from home, etc. I also find it convenient that FB groups and some message board posters that live local take issue with people coming into the area when they're out fishing every day that weather permits. If you're worried about getting it, stay home. Just don't lecture me about staying home while you're posting pictures of fish you caught with jigs tipped with minnows, a Bud Light and a pack of cigarettes (all of which you had to go to a store to buy) in the pictures. My group that was up this past week have all been at home with nothing but picking up online orders for groceries for over 3 weeks. I'm comfortable that we're not transmitting anything to anyone.

I get the concern. My group followed the orders, a lot of people don't. I've got parents with conditions that make them more susceptible, grandparents that would have no hope of surviving and other family members that I care about. I'm still going to go fishing, weather-permitting, and I'm not going to feel guilty about it because I'm coming from a private residence to my private residence on the lake, fishing on my private boat and interacting with zero people that I'm not already locked in a house with.