Trolling advice Trolling advice Trolling advice Trolling advice
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Thread: Trolling advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
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    Default Trolling advice

    Wanting to try trolling on lake erie for first time ever. Hoping for some advice as to where to start. I have all the stuff line counter reels, cranks(bandits, reef runners, DJ etc). Any info as to where to troll this time of yr would be would be much appreciated. Also I only know of 2boat ramps ( fenwich,wild wings). So that is where I would prbly launch. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
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    You can catch trolling out of those ramps.Try the deeper water around the reefs and water color critical.If water too clean or dirty,will not catch as much.Best clarity is a little off color.Like a greenish tint not brown.Think best speeds now 1.3-1.7mph with water temp reaching 40degrees.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Marblehead/Lakeside, Ohio
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    What body baits do you guys pull behind big boards?

    I have quite the collection, however I have them unwrapped and forget which is which. Can someone post a picture of their favorite to pull behind big boards?

    Also, I have had troubles with them coming to the top. Do I just need to spend more time tuning them?

  4. #4
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    Jul 2015
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    You can pull the same crankbsit behind big boards as you would with in line boards.But from guys who fish a lot ,they think that using mono and inline boards produces better than braid and big boards.As for difficulty bringing cranks up,that is not a tuning problem.The bigger the lip the harder they dive/pull.If a crank is not tuned properly,that lure will swim to one side.Bending the eye the opposite direction the crank is swimming will make the crank swim straighter.

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