I've seen plenty fish come in with the fresh bite marks, scars, and still hooked to the fish. I've not personally seen 1 that size in lake erie, but have no doubt they can get there.

There is reports in other great lakes of these things going after swimmers.

I always wondered why fish would bite a worm. It's not like worms are just swimming around in the waters..........but wait, they are..just not worms. Smaller lamprey look just like night crawlers......go figure..

One thing is for sure as more and more boats and ships come to and through all lakes we will find more and more new things here.

If you tow your boat from lake to lake your bildge water could be carring something new. We all need to do what we can to help stop this. Dry you bildge and tanks, dont dispose of bait back into the lake. Seems minor but it's an easy step we all can do.

Wish there was some regulation about larger ships transversingbthe lakes and ocean about how they discharge and where they discharge and take in ballast waters too. I'm not a person for more uncle Sam's involvement, but we do need to take steps and drastic and maybe ones that cost us all more money if we want our children and future grand childrens and so forth to be able to enjoy this treasure as we have.