We trolled east of Kellies Sunday.Had a 50% chance of storms,but they kept coming through.Was supposed to be at my buddies place 6:30am but was greated with thunder instead of my alarm at 530.Looked at radar and decided to wait till 8am to meet.We headed east on the south side of kellies and continued pretty much due east from there about 6miles.Had 4 people and used 6 rods.Set up four dipseys with 3 stinger spoons and one spoon harness.The dipsies caught 3@90 lead and 1@60 and 70lead.The other two rods used inline boards and thanks to captain Sam Porkchop set them on his post from last week.Used blue chrome bandits on both line and set them 50ft-2oz-100ft-board for total of 150lead.We fished from 930 till 330 and caught 23 fish that weight 53lbs.We also caught 2 nice yellow perch,15 white bass and couple white perch,one sheep and 20 2018 walleye.We caught like 10 fish on the bandits and practically no junk.Those fish were also better size and included an 28" fish.We also fished thru a storm cell that came thru at noon that got us wet and puckered us up with one particularly close lightning strike that sounded like a rifle shot.After a half hour of idling into the waves with gear out fished till 330 when another cell was coming through again.We pulled gear and ran south enough to miss it thanks to the radar on our phones.We the headed home and got back just as another cell was coming through.Was a lot of fun catching all those fish.Had a couple rookies to show how to run some of the gear,but the lady that reeled in the fish ohio was really excited to get such a nice fish.Not many boats out Sunday.Probably smarter than us.Been a long time since we fished through a storm but lucked through it ok.