Fishing with Scott and Cathy 7/15/19 Fishing with Scott and Cathy 7/15/19 Fishing with Scott and Cathy 7/15/19 Fishing with Scott and Cathy 7/15/19
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  1. #1
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    Jan 2014
    Port Clinton, OH
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    Default Fishing with Scott and Cathy 7/15/19

    This morning, I met Scott and Cathy, of Philadelphia, at Mazurik's at 5:15 and we launched at 5:30. It was still dark enough to need the navigation lights, but the eastern horizon was glowing hues of reds and oranges against a gray blue sky. It was going to be a gorgeous sunrise. The lake was flat, so our ride out was a pleasant one.

    We headed to the northeast side of Kelly's and set up with the usual program of 4 dipsies and two Off Shore boards. Flicker Minnows were run behind the boards at 55 and 65 back, and the dipsies were set to run at 49 and 55 back on the three setting and 35 and 47 back on the zero settings.

    Speed was again 2.2-2.5mph.

    Everything caught fish this morning and we were done with our 3 person limit by 8am. We headed back in, because Cathy was ready to go back in after the wind kicked the lake up with 2 foot waves from the southeast. She had recently had a knee replacement, and reeled her fish in from the passenger seat. With dipsies, that seems to work out pretty well. lol They both had a great time, and enjoyed the morning....and, that makes me happy.

    Tomorrow's weather looks to be good right now too, so I'll be back at it with Steve and Jeremy regulars.

    Stay tuned...

    Capt Juls
    Attached Images Attached Images Fishing with Scott and Cathy 7/15/19-scott-cathy-7_15_19a-jpg Fishing with Scott and Cathy 7/15/19-scott-cathy-7_15_19b-jpg Fishing with Scott and Cathy 7/15/19-scott-cathy-7_15_19c-jpg Fishing with Scott and Cathy 7/15/19-scott-cathy-7_15_19e-jpg Fishing with Scott and Cathy 7/15/19-scott-cathyf-jpg 
    Captain Julia "Juls" Davis
    [email protected]
    Specializing in 1-3 person walleye and perch charters

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    malvern, ohio
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    Good job as usual!

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