Quote Originally Posted by eriedeerie View Post
The warming has been going on in lock-step with the amount of carbon being put into the atmosphere since the idustrial rev. You can literally graph it. Cycles are always present yes, but if you dont believe man has an influence, I guess you dont believe in science either. There is no controversy among scientists. Only politicians.
As a scientist I say amen to that. There is no controversy among thousands of scientists worldwide

True, global warming and climate change and increased CO2 in the atmosphere doesn't cause any single weather event or any single cycle. But over time it does move the trend lines, increase frequency and intensities of events, change the temp highs and lows, and change long term weather patterns. One only has to go to Glacier National Park where the glaciers are mostly gone, go to Antarctica to see the glaciers falling into the sea, go the the North pole to see the ice and permafrost melting, go to the west where species are dying in their normal growing ranges. It is sad to see people who have never cracked a physics book think they know more than scientists who have dedicated lives and careers to the scientific study of the problem. One can debate what to do about it and how to solve it. But to deny it exists is to stick ones head in the sand, ignore the natural world around you, and waste precious time we don't have. I for one don't want to lay the world that will bring on my kids and grandkids.