We were one of the guys who got caught today, I been fishing the lake over 40 years and never have I seen get so bad so quick, we were fishing 7 miles
out limit for three men in 1 hour, at ten oclock ice open up roughly 50 ft.
wide from turtle island to port clition, it took us six hours to find one open 5
ft. wide place to cross close to port clition, water is six to eight inches deep on ice, all over the place, open water spots also all over, very scary,
ice in front on davis besee is terrible major spider crack, we was tought
coming in, my final mile and half, i had to get of sled and walk, and
was pick up by air boat, every one lost equipment all over the ice, plus one man fell in and was pulled out and had heart attack and die All i can say is
guys it over in a month we will be in boats. Hot lure today lindy new wing
jigs, and small buck shots, 18 walleyes kept, 18 inches to 26 inches
30 14 inchers thrown back, and one 7 lb. female also released, it was fun
but almost lost our lives today.