I have followed this site for years but this is my first post. First let me say thank you to everybody that does post and keeps me informed about Lake Erie! I have enjoyed fishing Lake Erie since 1977. When I consider the thousands of dollars I have invested in my boat, rods, reels, tackle boxes, locators, and other equipment, why would I let an additional $11 fee stop me from enjoying some of the most productive water anywhere? At least the Ohio DNR tries to manage the states resources to which I again say Thank You. While at times my wife might appreciate a GIANT fishing equipment sale, IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN ANY TIME SOON!! With walleye at or near record numbers and great perch fishing, I hope everyone is looking forward to another great year. The only problem I see right now is, my boat is winterized (and people are still on the water catching fish) and it is too warm for ice to develop. Conservation practices are what allows us to enjoy the freedoms we have while fishing and hunting in this great country. While the people in charge of our resources try to do their part in managing them, I believe we need to be willing to support their efforts, even with our billfolds.