Saturday 9-15-2018 Perch trip #18
R Chrystal Joy
Capt Rick H can Area 18-20 foot of water

We had to move several times to get the fish going. Each time we stopped they would fire up and then die off.
Inline rigs out fished perch spreader rigs again this trip. No bling did the best.
Could not let the bait bounce up and down had to hold it on the bottom or they would not touch it. I left 1 rod in holder and bounce and could not give away bait. The one i held and left on bottom i would pick it up to see if they were there.
Light winds but lots of waves kind of strange must have been more wind North of us creating the waves.
Goldie's are what we have shiners are hard to come by again this year.
I tried cutting in half and they would not touch it. I only caught 1 fish on cut minnow rest were on full minnow hooked thru the back and alive. Dead minnows produced only a few fish. I even tried some gulp shiner spray and it worked on a few fish.
We ended up with 118 for 46 pounds at the cleaners. Nice grade of fish. had 16 throw back perch and 14 throw back little walleye. Of course i caught some hog sheep head i always do. Caught a dozen white perch and 4 white bass.
Beautiful day on the lake. Thank you to all who share on here very Much appreciated.