Question On Running Dipseys Question On Running Dipseys Question On Running Dipseys Question On Running Dipseys
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  1. #1
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    Default Question On Running Dipseys

    I will be out in the middle of September to do some fishing. I plan to troll with #1 dipseys and spoons. This will be my first attempt at using these. From reading posts on here I have learned a lot. What i would like to know is if I am running 2 per side and the outside rod catches, how do you reset this rod. Clear the inside rod or is there a better way. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Default Dipsey knowhow

    Quote Originally Posted by Goosechaser View Post
    I will be out in the middle of September to do some fishing. I plan to troll with #1 dipseys and spoons. This will be my first attempt at using these. From reading posts on here I have learned a lot. What i would like to know is if I am running 2 per side and the outside rod catches, how do you reset this rod. Clear the inside rod or is there a better way. Thanks.
    We have been running dipseys in 70+ FOW out of Geneva for the past 4 weeks without a problem. I run the outside dipseys (the smaller ones) back 200'+on a 3 setting to keep it away from the inside pole and the bigger dipsey set at 1 1/2 or 2 without the "0" ring and keep it shorter like 100' to 150' and when the outside pole takes a hit, as soon as I set the hook I move the inside pole to run directly behind the boat so it stays out of the way and keep the busy rod out to the side as far as you can. Separation is all important! Only had one tangle in the last 3 trips so this approach must work and we limited out before noon on each trip. Let me know how you do.....

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    Thanks for the reply, I think i understand the concept. I plan on fishing between Kelleys and Sandusky. I hope the weather cooperates.

  4. #4
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    Ya can move it to the back if u have the space. Another easy way is to have someone hold the inside rod on that side towards the stern as u let out. If not, Move as close to the bow as possible, and slowly release the outside rod (hard bend in rod tip, NO SLACK), with your thumb and be sure that your leader and spoon clear the inside rod. I Fish with 6 Dipseys a lot and as long as you do not let out to fast you should clear the inside line. Be careful while releasing on a turn as this can cause an oh **** if u are not careful. If they do snarl, reel in both as quick as possible to avoid a super snarl!! I Usually run my #1's at 3.5, 1.5 and 0. Good luck!

  5. #5
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    Something you can try is to run a 50 jet on the very inside rod. You can also use a shorter rod in the inside.

    If you get a fish on the outside, if the diver is set right and trips, it should raise up and clear the inside without having to touch the inside. Sometime if the fish stays down or the diver doesn't trip to have to move the inside to the middle if the boat.......if this happens just reset the outside b4 putting the inside back in its holder. If you don't have to move the inside, you can simple swing the dipsey and leader over the inside and it go out. If you have long leader's 6-8 ft simply resetting in front of the inside can cause issue........especially if you have board lines running and can't get that far in front.....that's where the swing over works.......but as said b4 if you have the roon to move forward that's the easiest.

    I like to let the divers out with the bait clicker working this allows the line to go out and dive but not feel spool. It also allows you get the pole in the holder while the diver is going out and not have to fight the pulling force of the diver while putting to pole into it holder. If you set the drag just tight enough to hold the diver, you will hear the clicker sound if you are dragging a fish and didn't see the strike sometimes.

    Don't get to frustrated, you will tangle a few times when starting and learning how they run......we all do/did....but a few trips and you will have it down.

    When it comes to the leader, I like using a longer leader......but don't get the leader too long or you won't be able to net the fish. You can only reel the diver so far, then you have to walk to the front of the boat, but most only have so much space there b4 setting up kind of figure how far forward with pole length and net length to get you leader to be with a working range. This is something that what works on one boat might not work for another
    Last edited by branhamautomotive; 09-06-2018 at 09:12 PM.
    First mate for Eyehunter Charters

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  6. #6
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    its really simple to get the outside rod out over the inside rod. you start with the out side diver set on a 3 setting and let it out with the clicker on the reel on. now set it out to the length you want to run. then set the back diver on a 2 setting and let it out 20' less than your front diver. always set the outside diver out farther than the inside diver. now you bring the outside diver in. get it ready to put out. go to the back of the boat and take the diver as far over to the other side of the boat as you can take it without getting into the other lines. make sure your clicker is on and put the diver in the water with the reel out of gear. let it out until its 10' past the inside diver is set. now go up and over the back rod and place the rod in a holder and lock reel down. the diver will go over the inside holder. now set the front diver where you want it to be. sometimes the reel will go out a little to far so you slowly reel up the extra line you let out. sometimes it doesn't let out enough line then you need to slowly let it out to the desired length.

    I run 3 divers on each side and its rare that I get tangled. one thing that helps is when you hook a fish on a outside rod take the rod to the center of the back of the boat and hold it high until the fish clears the inside diver then start reeling it in.

    when your letting line on the outside rod be sure and keep the rod high. another thing is if somebody post an open seat on erie be the one that fills it. I didnt know anything about fishing the central basin. I didnt even know how a dipsy worked. I went out on a charter 2 days and I learned more in those 2 days than I would have learned in 2 yrs on my own. I was able to go out and run 3 divers per side. we did have some tangles and still get one sometimes. when we first started the biggest problem with tangles was caused by getting the wrong diver out on the wrong side of the boat.

    one thing you can do to keep from putting the rod out on the wrong side of the boat is to paint numbers on rods and on the holder. 1 2 3 4 that way if your catching a lot of fish like this yr you can keep the rods in the right holder. I use sealine sg17lca reels on the left side and sg17lc3b reels on the right side. the lca reels have silver trim the lc3b reels has copper trim.
    Last edited by sherman51; 09-07-2018 at 08:29 AM.

  7. #7
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    Thanks for all the information that has been posted. I should have enough insight to get started pulling dipseys. I will have all boards and cranks on the boat just in case. Cant wait to get back out there.

  8. #8
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    I had the same problem when fishing last month.Got some tangles when running 2 dipsies on each side.Asked that same question on ogf website with a dipsey thread.They told me to start that outside rod on opposite side of boat with clicker on.That gets that outside rods dipsey far enough back behind that inside dipsey so they won't tangle.They also said the dipsey on a 3 setting runs farther forward than the one setting.You also want that 3 setting to always have a longer lead than the 1setting on that same side.

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