Crew of three left Laraine's Landing at 10:00 AM, headed NW @ 325° the wind was coming out of the N – NW so it was a slow dry ride. Stopped when we hit 18 FOW, dropped anchor and didn’t move again until we went in. Within 5 minutes I caught 1st fish and then 1st doubles, bite was steady and consistent until noon, then the bite died. I know some believe in this practice and some don’t but I started the motor and let it run maybe 3 minutes as posted by Water Dogs report on 08/16/18. (Thank you Water Dog). Call it a coincidence or whatever but the bite was back on within 5 minutes, back to the same consistent bite. We reached out 3-man limit by 3:30 PM, 5 hours. On a side note there were a lot of much smaller fish, some of which we had to keep due to the smaller size Perch seem to bite more aggressively, most swallowed the hook beyond saving. Some of the smaller Perch we thought we saved and released swam away only to re-surface later and were swooped up by the seagulls. Our 3-man limit ended up being 27 lbs. at Szuch’s our smallest catch of the season ☹