Headed back to the north of A can this morning at 10 with a buddy. Set up on the same spot as yesterday while looking at some pretty good marks on the bottom and up about 2 feet. As soon as the boat stopped we were covered with midges, head to toe, had to keep wiping them off my glasses to be able to see. Got to enjoy there company for a couple of hours till we got enough of a breeze to carry them off. We were catching perch only on the top hook of hour crappy rigs, so I put 12 inches of leader between the weight and the bottom of the rig to get it higher off the bottom, that started producing some doubles and more consistent singles. It wasn't a fast bite it took us 3 hours to catch our limits. Fished with goldies from A and Js, and the perch weighed 20 lbs at Shato's.