Saturday 7 of us went out to the same spot south of B can, and dropped the anchor at 7 am over the same good marks that I have been seeing for the last 10 days. Bite was steady and we pulled the anchor at 10 am with 210 perch in the box. Threw back some 6" to 7" fish and had the occasional white perch and sheep head. Most perch were up off the bottom 1 and a half to 2 and a half feet, very few caught on the bottom hook. The guys were missing a lot of bites so I cut the bait in half, that improved the catch rate dramatically with no noticeable affect on the time between hits. Used 3 hook crappy rigs with 50/50 mix of shiners and goldies from A and Js. There was a noticeable lack of 11" and 12" perch that we had been catching before. The guys took the fish to have them cleaned so I did not know the weight. I would guess it at 9 lbs per 30 perch.