8/11-12 Something changed Sat and Sun, don't know what it was but the perch bite definitely changed. Went out Sat morning with three buddies. We took my 30' sportcraft perch fishing for the first time. I knew if the fish weren't biting we would be at a disadvantage going from a trolling motor with spotlock, to a manual anchor. But the way the fishing was Friday I didn't think we would be moving much. I was wrong. Got set up south of A can and started catching lots of undersized perch and 3" walleye. Very short windows of keeper perch. They would move in and look great on the screen catch 1 or 2 and they would be gone. Moved to B can about noon same thing about 8 keepers an hour. Around 3 pm moved to Big Pickerel Reef. Tried live golden shiners, frozen shiners, twister tails on jigs, and weighted fly's. Bite was the same on anything we tried. Fish were there just not feeding. Ended up with 85 after 11 hours. Weather was perfect, and we all enjoyed a nice day on the lake. Sunday there were 2 of us so we took my 23' sportcraft. Went to the same areas (after talking with people this morning I should have headed west, or farther east to the islands) and had the same results. 30 perch in 6 hours. 12 pounds at Shattos, and goldies from Bite Me Bait. Yesterday afternoon the sun got fairly warm and for the first time this year I got to enjoy my new addition to the boat. I rigged up a generator, and a room air conditioner from Lowe's. It worked perfect, we were cool and comfortable all day.
