Thanks, rickerd. I know there is a lot to this, and I'm sure as I gain experience I will start to learn the best practices. I appreciate all the input I am getting.

Quote Originally Posted by rickerd View Post
I'm just trying to get him started trolling. with only 2 onboard 1 usually has to steer the boat. With the fishing we've had this year, it is tough for someone learning to troll to take care of 3 or 4 rods. You on the other hand could probably handle 6 rods. or more!

But to your point, if he wants to compare one board next to another, to learn to read them with each other, then yes run 2 on one side of boat, usually Starboard so captain can see them better. You can also run 2 dipsy rods a side and read them with each other. But a Bottom bouncer will always tell you when it is hooked up and in 30 fow or more, usually a flatline is all you need.

This Bottom Bouncer has always been the first trolling technique I teach people because it is simple. Line to 6oz. bouncer, 6' leader to bait or spoon, let out line until you hit bottom, engage reel to set distance and you are trolling. (ideal line angle to water line is about 45 degrees. over 60 degrees is too much, so use more weight) This will put you 2 feet above bottom. If you really want to get down, let out a few more feet until you feel bottom second time and engage reel. Now you are bouncing on bottom and kickin up mud. bring on the walleyes.