Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Ed View Post
After a 3 hour motor trip from Warren we launched at Catawba S.P. at 10:00 AM. Never have we seen more echoes on the sonar screen than we did just north of Mouse Island as we trolled for over two hours without a single bite. Leaving Mouse we headed north to the shipping channel and set a course for the SW.at 1.8 to 2.2 mph. We used 3 different presentations (Long lines back 100' to 200')(Dipseys back 30' to 60') ( Downriggers up and down.) The lures that caught fish tho few and far between were: 2 on Bandits, one each on DDRR, P-10, Shallow jointed redhead Bomber, and 2 small HotnTots, #182 and Gold with red bill. The end result was 7 nice keepers, including a 9 lb 2 oz postspawn female measuring 27 1/2 in. Call me old school but all prespawn females are quickly returned to the water after a photo if worthy.
As I see it, if yesterday is any example, to catch walleye all you have to do is throw enough different lures of different colors and shapes far enough and often enough in as many areas as time permits and they will come. It may not be a bad idea to bring a blind squirrel along thinking if he can find a nut, how hard would it be to find the walleye?
I heard this the other day and I would like to share it with you: FISHING is an exercise in patience. Amen!!!

Great job on the release Need a lot more 'Old School'
Thanks for the report always nice to hear others experiences.