You are correct on that assumption.When they say ran bandit at 20/40 with 2oz that means they put out bandit 20ft then put a 2oz snap weight on then let out 40ft more before putting on board.If trying to figure out how deep that bandit is running,look up depth bandit runs at 60ft then add 8ft to that number to get the depth you want lure to run.The weight usually adds 4ft for each ounce of weight.But beware of depth of crank when running slow in these cold waters with sinker.When running 1mph your depth is deeper than that 4ft/ounce.I saw some charts of cranks with weights on another site and when you go really slow,that sinker really pulls that lure deeper.The reason you put the weight on after 20ft is because when reeling in a fish,you can take the weight off the line while still keeping the fish back far enough to keep in the water.