I've been on the lake for 50 years now. I fish a 27' and see too many people, especially in the early spring who I consider do not think of the consequences they could be facing when they go out in higher than 15 MPH winds in boats under 19'. I have literally seen people kiss the ground once they get back to shore after having a bad experience on the lake due to wind/weather conditions.

With the size of your boat and the time of year, 15 MPH is the maximum unless you tuck in behind an island or stay close to Port Clinton like you mention with a wind from WNW - NE - ESE (compass reading of 310 degrees - 45 - 120 degrees - many people talk a east/west shoreline but the shoreline actually runs along these compass headings) . Even at 15 MPH, you will probably get a little wet depending upon how you navigate the waves and boat speed.

I respect you asking this question and hope that some of the comments that have been made on this post make people reflect on their own actions and regards towards safety.