The Cabelas pro series drift socks USED to be very high quality, but like everything the new ones are much thinner material and cheaper made. I know this because I had two of them and lost one last year, when I ordered a replacement I was very disappointed. I returned it and got lucky and found an old style in their bargain cave. I also have Amish outfitter bags for trolling. My opinion, trolling bags for trolling, drift socks for drifting, they are not the same. Drift socks with weighted Bottoms and floating tops self deploy, just throw out an forget. I put mine out back, I don’t like drifting sideways, I can use both sides of the boat and don’t have to fish around the bags. I keep a big one for windy days and a smaller one for light wind days. From my finding I get away with less bag drifting straight rather than sideways, less area exposed to the wind.