I believe Dennis from the "Migrator" used to be a dental patient of mine.He helped me out tremendously back over 10yrs ago when we were starting to learn how to troll.This was before the websites that helped with all the info we get now.I would call him with questions after each day trolling and he would let me know what to do or what we did wrong.He did invite me to go with him,but regret that I didn't.Would have learned so much faster.Dennis used to tell me to always keep a line shallow in upper 10ft also.Eventually he moved, but by then had learned how to catch our limit in 2-3hrs.I have also fished with Keith on his boat Pooh Bear the last 5yrs.He follows all the fishing regulations,as I would expect a charter captain to follow.We only fished with 2 rods per person max.He is set up to only fish 16 rods max regardless if he had more people anyway.His rodholders hold 6rods per side that go off the big boards and he has four rod holders for the dipseys.As for Captain Eric's comment about people fishing by him and catching only a few fish,compared to his 36 fish limit,there are always people that complain,regardless of the situation.There are also plenty that fish that don't know what they are doing or too stubborn to learn how to troll properly.We have yet to fish with Keith during one of those 2-3hr limit days though.But he works hard to get us on the fish and once fished longer than allotted time to get a good cooler.We usually all have Canadian liscences, so we have been fishing in Canadian waters in June with him.I am still learning things with him,but I watch how he does things.He certainly covers a much wider swath of water with his boards out about 30yds on each side.He fishes practically every day and keeps in contact with a lot of other guys out fishing.Me included.No wonder you guys can consistently catch 30+ fish on most days.