Quote Originally Posted by ebijack View Post
Way to many other factors that aid/take away from the "guide".
Yes you can get a bit more depth from braid due to it's thin size and no stretch.
Line questions-depth-difference-jpg
So awesome to finally hear someone else say this!!! Way too many factors affect what depth you're actually achieving.... Use these guides as a starting point, but see where you are actually hooking up with fish. Every one of my rods has a tag on it, i write the lead on each one with a dry-erase marker... As we start catching, I'm tracking which rods are doing well, and the rods that aren't catching get changed to the program that is. Also, how many times are you marking fish at 25 feet, but not catching those fish - but catching like crazy at 15 feet? Sometimes they don't want to see the bait in their face, but they'll come way up to get it.

Anyway - I use 30# PowerPro braid, yellow... works awesome on big boards. I can't say how it performs with inline boards....

Good luck!