Quote Originally Posted by Capt Eric View Post
No doubt - yes, back out for perch - no problem! Just much cheaper to do the combo trip, without coming back in! But you get my point.....
Good evening Captain , In today,s world where money means everything. It is refreshing to hear someone that thinks a little farther ahead than that. We have had several people fish on our boat this year that have ask what if we get our limit ? Can we bring them back to the dock and go out again ? My answer is always the same. If we are fortunate enough to limit out , I am happy to consider that a good day. I am happy to just call myself a decent enough boat owner to give you a good day on the lake. I am not a charter captain. Just a guy lucky enough to have a boat, and wife that enjoys the lake as much as I do. The Nan Sea Lee, Formally Figment out of Foxhaven.