There will be limited reports with the "Fall Brawl" going on,we did not enter.We fished out of Huron Thursday and caught 18 fish in 3.5hrs.They were all 2015 fish with only 3 going 20-22'.Used mostly harnesses,but most guys have been doing well with spoons.We fished in a straight line out huron river chanel,about 5miles NE of river.Another guy was 8miles out and they caught bigger fish,but they were using spoons and deeper.When going out,was not marking much till got in the deeper water.We were in 45fow.The water temp is dropping fast now and soon,the cranks will be catching better.I tried a RR and a bandit for a couple hrs but just caught a few small fish.Looked at chart when fishing and saw Vermillion dump.It is straight north of river and looks like 2-3miles out at most.