Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Thanks for the info, I assume you're pulling spoons? per your picture, were you on a W to E troll (yellow line) or red line N to S? or are the green fish the line? Im planning to run W to E line from SE of kellys towards CP in the 40-45 FOW range pulling spoons, havent heard much about cranks lately but did use them 2 weeks back off lorain and they took fish.
That Picture was actually from Sunday, the yellow line was my track, the red line is the direction I was heading when I snapped the pic. The Fish are from previous trips over the past few weeks. We only had a few hours in the afternoon on Sunday and got 18. Had to dodge fish nets! Be careful in that area. Monday we had to do a North to South troll because of the 3-4's. We were a bit more west close to the dump. Spoons on dipseys and down riggers was our program.