The ongoing effort to keep these fish from entering Lake Michigan through Chicago is quite intense and comprehensive. One fish is a cause for concern, but not the first one and there is a contingency plan for such occurrences. If more show up soon then there is a big issue, but if no more are found then we're probably safe for the moment.

One way to end this came to me today. The State of Illinois is broke. They are at the point of almost financial collapse. Few other states have ever been this close to collapse financially.

Illinois says they don't want to close the canals due to the economic / commerce loss. So why don't we (federal govern't or group of surrounding Great Lakes States) offer to help "bail them out" and pay them to close the canals? Determine what it would cost to replace the water commerce with land means and offer them a deal. They are desperate for cash. We're nearly desperate to keep these fish out of the Great Lakes. Let's make a deal.