Fished Friday and Saturday in the wide area of 35-40' depth between Lucy's Point and the border...on down to the north side of Kellys Island. No surprise I landed about 5 shorts for every keeper walleye. I found my fair share of fish with bandits 90 back off planer boards. I often fish alone, and when the wind & waves kick up it can be challenging to single-hand the boat, the rods, the planer boards, and the net; even with remote steering capability.

Trying to adapt to some of the windy periods, I learned by chance that doubling my line out allowed me to long line crankbaits with good results. Walleyes on bandits 180 back from 7' rods. That old school success caused me to try another method when I settled in to drift. Pulled out my 35 year old box of erie dearies and caught fish with 1/2 worm and a slow retrieve from the bottom to the surface.

I would never abandon all the new methods or my thousands of dollars in marine electronics, but it was fun to be reminded that old school methods like long lining crankbaits way back, or casting erie dearies still works. Think I'll pull out my collection of Hot n Tots next time and give 'em a try