I agree with the other about learning from a charter or experienced person that might have a spot open in their boat. Here are a few comments I have. I have about 10 years experience trolling Lake Erie western basin with big boards, in-lines, dipsies, and drifting.

My boards are about the same size as yours and work okay for running 3 lines per side. I would want bigger boards if I were trying to run them "way out" for 4 or more lines per side. Plus, by line will drag water if I try to go out too far. I've added weights to my boards this year. Big boards pull hard and keep the line tight. That makes releases much easier.

I run almost exclusively TripZ 40s or 30s with crawler harnesses, Stinger spoons, etc in late May. There are a number of good releases sold locally in tackle shops made from a simple plastic clip and shower curtain ring. I prefer the Laurvik releases with the orange or yellow float. They are easy to snap on the line one-handed. But more expensive.

Learn how to install rubber band releases so they don't slide up/down your line, which is a problem with braided line. Roll the line around your fingers and loop the rubber band through the line loop and tighten. They stay in place that way. You do not get a knot in your line.

Do you have a kicker motor on your boat? If not, you'll need trolling bags to slow your speed. Amish Outfitters sells good quality bags.

Hope this helps and good luck out there. This site has some of the most helpful sportsman I've ever met. Keep asking questions and you'll get honest answers.