We headed up to the lake yesterday on a whim. Without being able to see a recent satellite image and fishing in the fog till afternoon it was a bit slow going in the morning. We started out fishing around Green with one pull back and no hook up. We started out pulling a mix of bandits and p10's, with varied weights and distances back. Moved over to E can after a while, didn't fish real long there as the water just looked too dirty. So after moving between S. Bass and Cawtaba fishing the chocolate there for a bit (Lots of marks) we headed out for North of Kellys just as soon as the fog broke. Setup North of kelly's and pulled 3 fish in about an hour and a half while the sun was shining. As the sun went back and the lake got a bit more choppy we never caught another fish. Back at the ramp at 5:00 we were the last rig in the parking lot. Fish were caught on Bandits 125 back no weights, trolling at 1.5 mph. Khaki color bandit caught all of the fish.