Quote Originally Posted by 5285 View Post
I just bought a place at Green Cove and am looking forward to a season full of fishing. The walleye fishing sounds great, and I can't wait to get the boat in the water to try for them. What I could use some help with is perch fishing. I read all these posts with fantastic advise for spring walleye, but I haven't seen a word since November about perch fishing. Do the schools move out, or is just nobody reporting on it? Any information would be appreciated, and I am excited to meet a lot of my new neighbors in the next few weeks.
Not many fishing perch now, though they would have been if there had been ice. You can get perch around A can during the spawn. But not a lot fish for them then - they will spray all over your boat and cooler and make a huge mess! Not sure but think they spawn a little later than walleye. I know a guy that fishes them A can area in May. But most people go for the walleye then because they are hot and heavy! With all the eaters this year it should be a walleye bonanza then so why fish perch.

Perch starts to pick up in mid July and just gets better and better. I have fished them in July and early August. B and C can. Done good sometimes, but some days then it is hot, still and buggy and not much fun sitting there trying to get small perch. it gets better and better into August and September as things cool. Bite gets better and fish get larger...so late summer and fall is the gravy season!

Welcome and good luck. Pm me any time for questions.