I don't blame people for being alarmed, at first. It sounds like a major change in how government functions, a big cut in operational funds. But we shouldn't fall victim to the hysteria that almost always happens when proposed budgets are first announced.

One thing we should all remember is these are Proposals. They are not a final budget. Congress will hash it out [maybe? :-)]. We all know politicians are not likely to do something the majority of their constituents are against.

I think it's best to keep an eye on this, watch, wait, and learn. No matter how you feel about it we need to at least take a serious look at how the funds are being allocated and spent. Every organization, from a single family to the Federal Government, needs to review their operation now and then in order to make changes to get the most out of their funds.

Meanwhile, I would suggest we all look to our own communities and our own actions. We can do our share by doing the immediate things, like making sure your boat doesn't discharge oils and other pollutants. Use a leader so when the line breaks you don't leave 30 yds of line on the bottom. Respecting the environmental laws and wildlife laws. And most important - take a kid or someone who never has of hasn't in a long time out fishing. If we don't at least replace ourselves in the recreation, there won't be a major voice in the future for conservation.