Out by the 1 and 2 buoy with perch rigs and caught our 3 man limit plus in 4 hours. drop the rig to the bottom and fir about the first 15 mins had to bang it on the bottom to get the bite going. The thing about these perch were that they were somewhat finicky. Green emeralds shiners didn't fare as well as rosie reds. Rosie reds caught more perch. put three on one rig and and one rig 1 rosie and 2 green emeralds on and the rosie out caught the green emeralds. I had the one with 2 green emeralds rhey were on the top and bottom and the rosie in the middle and pulled up fish on the middle rosie.

It didn't matter if you used beads or no bling they all caught fish, tight line, used 5/8 bell sinker kept 150 kept nothing less than 9 inches weighed 40 lbs at the cleaners. Bigger fish are coming in. can't wait for the turnover.

Tight lines all