Quote Originally Posted by Eyezcrazy View Post
I was thinking about the scenario Sherman was talking about before he mentioned his story. So, how many times have people re- counted before heading in a realized they had miscounted and were over their limit and tossed dead fish back into the lake? What a waste.How many perch fisherman cull small perch when they catch larger perch and toss dead fish back into the lake? So you are staying within your legal limit but still killing additional fish.

I carry a small bucket and put the perch in it until we reach 10 fish. I then recount the 10 and put them in the cooler. It is a lot easier for me to accurately keep track of multiples of 10 and we always recount when we are 5 short of our limit to be sure.

Now if I could only find time to get back to the lake and fish!
OR! Like one time when I came back into Catawba The O.D.N.R. was at the dock checking. and their was perch floating around where boats were staging to come in.