I have my 8year old and a 6year old going up to Catawba island with me over Labor Day weekend. Daddy wants to look like he knows what he is doing but haven't fished Lake Erie in over 10years. One day we are planning to go perch fishing in the morning (so looking to know where are the best places do go, what should I use, how is the best way to fish for them.) If we get our limit and my kids are still having fun I would like to show them some walleye fishing as well in the evening (same thing where to go, what to fish with and what depth might I find them). The next day we would like to go for smallmouth bass. I use to fish for bass years ago and can only assume they can still be caught on tubes but forget some of the areas the big smallmouth are being caught and at what depth. Any help that would make my time w my boys more enjoyable would be great. Thanks in advance!