ok im starting to make up my stingers for spring hair jigs i have no 4,6,and 8 size treble hooks in red,bronze, and the silver chrome colors how long and what colors do you like on most stingers seems the most popular has been a no 8 bronze treble 2 1/2 inches long with red plasti dip for the split ring this is what i put on the majority of my jigs unless asked for something different. something new this year is the make your own color plasti dip green on green purple on purple pink on pink do you think color makes a difference starting early this year because i made 2 thousand stingers up and thought i had enough so i could just make jigs but bait shop bought them all and got an order for 3 thousand more that i could not make due to making hair jigs i was working 16 hours a day from 7 am to sometimes 4 the next morning so im looking to get at least 5 thousand made last year i went through 8 thousand and didn't get all orders filled last year they are 20 pound wire not mono approx 2 1/2 inches long this year ill have blood red stingers with red trebles, blood red 20 pound wire and red rubber on split rings. whats your opinion on color, length, and hook size. thanks for your help