You are probably not seeing the bottom out that far in probably 30+ depth water. I’ve been scuba diving Lake Erie for 25+ years so I am very versed in the Lake’s water clarity. I know the illusion you mention. It could be bottom if you were in less than 20 feet or so of extremely clear for Lake Erie water, but barely visible. Even in the best clarity I’ve ever seen diving the Lake, which was almost clear due to few particulates in the water and in 15 foot of depth (crib reef area), the visibility maximum was about 25-30 feet to see an object, but without detail. It’s possible but extremely unlikely.

It’s also not uncommon for the bottom area to be more turbid than the rest of the water column, especially in a mud/silt/sand bottom location. So surface visibility may be almost clear but farther down it could be less.

If anyone reading this would like to know more about this, help me deploy some underwater cameras in the Lake this season while fishing (takes 15 minutes), please send me a private message. I’d be very appreciative.
