Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
I have big board's to get them out to the sides of my boat, but yes , 45'= 12'down, 50= 13, 60=15, 70=16 ,80=17, 100=19, 125=20, 150'=21' 195'=22'down. All cranks have a dive curve bandits just have a large bill to achieve greater depth. The thing to do is to run them close to the fish you are marking, but not below them.most people use boards but they can be ran out the back, I did well on humble bee also,gold black back, blue chrome, fruit dots, black and chrome, I think another one called popsicle, there are more,the chromes seem to be catching them the past few days, blue chrome


I have a question in regards to the Bandits and those numbers you posted. I use the Precision Trolling app and have been running the Bandits, and RR800's. I noticed the only dive chart for the Bandits is for 10#XT mono which are the numbers you have listed above. However, there is quite a difference in the dive curve if you compare 10#XT mono with Braid at 2 mph on a line counter reel according to Precision Trolling. For instance with a RR-800 it takes 80 foot of mono to get to 20 ft. But Precision says that you can achieve 20 ft of depth with only 56 ft of line out when running Braid with linecounter reel at 2.0

So I'm wondering if those numbers you posted are accurate in terms of trolling with linecounter reels running braid. I've been using the dive charts for the RR-800 when trolling Bandits. A local charter captain told me they were the same dive curve. Not saying he's right and your wrong or anything - I'm really just trying to figure this out. I would just like to catch more fish, and it seems like there is a big difference in the numbers of the RR-800's and the Bandits, as well as the numbers Precision reports for linecounter reels versus #10 XT.

Look forward to your response, and hopefully this will help out myself and others on this issue.