Took advantage of the beautiful weather Friday afternoon to do some scouting and refine my technique with all the good bandit trolling tips from this forum. Marks spread out all around Niagara Reef with most fish deep 22-25 feet. Same pattern South East of South Bass Island (could have saved the gas I guess). Really like the new Redirig Planer Boards. Easy to single hand my boat with those. Still, the fire tiger bandit 65 back and the glow bandit 190 back couldn't get bit even changing up speeds 1-3 knots. Then came the word from a friendly Captain heading back from the South Bass area with a limit. "Spinners, on the bottom, blue and chrome." Made sense to me since the sun was high and bright so walleyes could be prone to sulk. Question for all you experienced guys....Do you ever run a mixed spread of crank baits for suspended fish and heavy lead with spinners for the bottom lurkers? Thanks All! CaptKen Cayenne Angel Channel 69