Got a late start on Saturday because of the wind set up on the west side of the island managed 1 walleye, moved to the north side and seen a pack of boats fishing the shoal so we headed there around 3pm. asked on the radio for some leads and speeds no help everything was agent orange hush hush. first time no one wanted to share leads oh well it is america land of the free lets hope it stays that way. most of the fish we marked were deep so we started out with 40,40 4oz bandit and pulled a nice fish ohio first 15 minutes ended up with a nice 2 man limit in about 3 hours slow pick. 40,40 4 oz 33,33, 4 oz and took 2 on dipseys 55 back on the 3 setting. Speed 1.5 to 1.9mph biggest fish was 31.5 and 3 other fish o's. Bandits all different colors. Sunday was a different story the marks were gone managed 2 fish ohios, 1 sheep head and 1 smallie in 4 hours then called it a day.