My supply of last years walleye is almost depleted and I was forced to dig deep into my 20 cubic foot freezer and guess what I found? A full quart size freezer bag full of perch size walleye fillets sealed in ice with no air and no sign of freezer burn. I always date all my bagged fish whether they are frozen or not. The date read: 5/11/2012. I let the bag thaw over three days in the frig (just like a turkey). Tonight was the ultimate test. I opened the bag, drained out the water and with much trepidation stuck my nose in the bag. To my surprise there was absolutely no smell and the texture of the meat was normal. After dipping the fillets in Kikoman Tempora batter, I fried them on both sides to a golden brown in canola oil, drained them on a paper towel, splashed on some apple cider vinegar and a tough of salt and sat down to what can only be called your average gourmet fingerlicking good walleye fish dinner. I still cannot believe those fish were 4 years old. If I survive the night without food poisoning or other complications I'll get another fishing report out to you when it happens. In the meantime, how long have you guys kept fish in your freeze without them going bad?