there's just so many ways to fish the central basin it would take a book to try and answer all your questions. 1st you want to pick a program that's going to be the way you plan to fish the most. I start fishing Geneva around the 1st of july and fish through aug depending on when my son gets his vacation. the fish can be anywhere from 30' down to the bottom. once the thermocline sets up its best to fish just above the thermocline. which is usually somewhere around 60'. I use lite bite slide divers to get me down to the fish. they are just about the same thing as dipsy divers but have a lite bite trigger on the back that you set lite so small fish will trip the diver. some people use about a 3 oz inline weight with inline boards. you can find these and a depth chart at then some people use big boards with wire line or inline weights. some people use other types of divers to get down to the fish.

when I first started I went out on a charter a couple of times and he used 6 dipsy divers and big boards with wire line. so I learned how to use dipsy divers then switched to the deeper diver which is just a dipsy without the plastic ring. then I watched a video at and switched to the lite bite slide diver. then a couple of yrs ago I went out on another charter that used six 3 oz inline weights and inline boards and 2 dipsy's. we caught fish but I decided to stay with the divers as I just knew more about using them. and this is just some of the ways to get your lures down. and most use worm harnesses this time of year. then later in the year they will switch back to crank baits, which is what is used in the spring in the western basin. now trying to explain how to use all these methods would take to much space.

the best advice I can give you is to get some guys together and take out a charter that uses divers and get involved in setting them out and ask questions. tell the caption at the start of the trip you want to go to school. then take out a charter that uses boards. or you can just fill some open seats that's offered. just filling your reels can be important. you want line counter reels all the same size reels for boards or divers. then put a mono backing the same length on all your reels then put braid on top for divers and use about a 9 ft fluro leader going to your lure.

if you just want info on divers you can pm me and i'll help what I can. but I don't know enough about inline boards or wire line to be much help.

right now in the western basin they are using ddhj 10's and reef runner 800's and just running them back 60' to 90' and catching eyes. some guys are using snap on weights letting out 30' or 40' of line and putting 1 oz snap on weights then letting out another 30' or 40' of line then attaching the line to an inline board then letting it out. or they are just flat lining there lines.